Financial Information

Business Report 

The business report by Prestige Biopharma Limited (the “Company”) is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as an offer, recommendation, or invitation for buying, selling, or participating in any investment. The Company, along with its directors, employees, and representatives, disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or fairness of the provided information, and is not liable for any losses arising from its use. The projections are speculative in nature and subject to uncertainties, potentially differing from actual future performance. The forecast information is influenced by evolving business conditions and may change due to market dynamics and strategic adjustments. This report does not serve as an invitation for share recruitment, sale, or subscription, and it is exclusively intended for personal use, with distribution to others prohibited.
For more comprehensive disclaimers, kindly refer to the relevant sections within each Business Report.

Business Report 2022

Business Report 2021

Audited Financial Statements


Audited Financial Statements, 2022

Audited Financial Statements, 2021

Audited Financial Statements, 2020

Audited Financial Statements, 2019

Audited Financial Statements: S-IFRS Consolidated

Audited Financial Statements, 2017

Audited Financial Statements: S-IFRS